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Petsitters in Switzerland →
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Dogsitter needed in Schafisheim

Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Summer, our dog. We live in 5503 Schafisheim. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular basis. You should start as soon as possible. We will be ver…

Looking for a dogsitter in Basel

Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Terinka, our dog. We live in 4057 Basel. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular basis. Let's discuss the date, time and duration of the assignme…

Dogsitter needed in Chêne-Bougeries

Bonjour, J’adopte une petite cocker. Afin qu’elle ne soit pas longtemps seule à la maison, surtout au début, je cherche une personne de confiance qui pourra venir passer du temps avec elle et la sortir, surtout pour le mois de juillet quand elle arr…

Dogsitter needed in Herrliberg

I'm looking for experienced and reliable support for our dog Bruno. We live in 8704 Herrliberg. The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 8 hours approximately. Please write me if you are the dog-sitter who can help …

Dogsitter needed in Uvrier

I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after Jessy+ titi in 1958 Uvrier. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would start on 09.06.2024. In the table below you can see when in the week it w…

Dogsitter needed in Basel

I'm looking for experienced and reliable support for our dog Mambo. We live in 4055 Basel. The job will start on 01.06.2024 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will take 40 hours approximately. Please write me if you are the …

Accommodation for a dog

Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Zhu-zhu, our dog. We live in 7503 Samedan. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular basis. You should start on 15.06.2024. Please refer to the tab…

Looking for a dogsitter in Basel

I'm looking for experienced and reliable support for our dog Mambo. We live in 4055 Basel. The job will start on 01.06.2024 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will take 40 hours approximately. Please write me if you are the …

Hundesitter gesucht in Visp

Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die mit Erika & loki, unseren Old englisch Bulldogs in 3930 Visp 2 h am Tag spazieren gehen kann. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Arbeitsbeginn: so schnell wie möglic…

Dogsitter needed in Ennetmoos

I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Koda. The job is to be done in 6372 Ennetmoos. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.

Dogsitter needed in Basel

Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Malu and Lola, my dogs. I live in 4057 Basel. Do you have experience with dog care? Help is needed only on 01.06.2024 to 02/06.24.I’ll be very happy to hear from you.

Dogsitter needed in Risch

Dear petsitters, we need somebody to look after Happy, our dog. We live in Risch 6343.Do you have experience with dog care? Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of few days per work assignment. We will be very happy to hear from you.…

Looking for a dogsitter in Lausanne

My dog Quinoa needs a reliable petsitter. Do you have experience with dog care? Help is required on an occasional basis, starting on 20.06.2024. with my job i often move, and first time I'll be out of Lausanne will be from friday 21th june to 24th. W…

Looking for an experienced dog sitter / walker in 8046 Zurich

I need a caring and reliable person who can go on walks with my two dogs Norbert and Bettina in 8046 Zürich (only each at a time). They are large breeds (33kg and 25kg) and energetic. Norbert is a great, but does not get along with other dogs, so he …

Looking for a dogsitter in Zurich

Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Luke, our dog. It could be at our apartment or if you live nearby, could also be at your place. We live in 8049 Zurich, in Höngg. Help is needed for 5 hours on 01.06.2024 from 18:00 to 21:30. We will be …

Looking for a dogsitter in Leysin

I am looking for somebody who can look after our dog Aida for the weekend. The job is to be done in 1854 Leysin. Help is required in the weekend starting friday 07.06.2024. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.

Looking for a dogsitter in Ettingen

Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Poki, our dog. We live in 4107 Ettingen. Do you have experience with dog care? Help is needed on an occasional basis, starting on 03.06.2024 and for 4 hours each time. We will be very happy to hear from …

Hundesitter gesucht in Zürich

I'm looking for an experienced, animal-loving person who can take care of Mousse, our dog, in 8044 Zurich. The work begins on August 2nd, 2024 until August 9th, 2024 and would involve overnight boarding while I am away.

Looking for a dogsitter in Bern

Hello, I have two well behaved border collies, mother and son. They are active search and rescue dogs, we do a lot of sports. I would love to find someone with whom they could spend couple of hours or the evening/overnight occasionally. Because they …


Ich suche ein/ e zuverlässige/n liebevolle/n hundesitterin/er mit Erfahrung für meine französischen Bulldogge. Am Wochenenden sowie Ferienbetreuung Da Romeo auf Medikamente angewiesen ist, brauche ich jemand zuverlässiges der Erfahrung damit hat. …

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You offer dog walking services and are looking for jobs in your area? With Petsitting24 you will find plenty of job offers for dog walkers: Holiday and day care, regular and sporadic dog walking services. Everything about the dog's daily life! Apply now and find every day new dog walking jobs in all cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Geneva, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug and Zurich).