What is Petsitting24 and how does it work for pet sitters?
Petsitting24 is a platform where pet owners and pet sitters can find each other. It works like a marketplace, meaning pet sitters are not employed by us and do not have to pay any commission when they accept jobs.
Private pet sitters use our platform for free. Professional pet care providers, such
How much do I earn per hour?
You can set your hourly rate based on your experience and qualifications. The region and the type of pet care you offer also play a role. For hourly pet care, prices typically range between CHF 15 and 25. Check to see how much pet sitters in your area are charging.
By the way, on Petsitting24, yo
Does Petsitting24 cost anything for pet sitters?
For private pet sitters, using Petsitting24 is generally free. Professional pet care providers, such as dog boarding facilities, use our platform for a fee.
You can find all our prices and conditions here: Prices and Conditions
What are the advantages of Petsitting24 for pet sitters?
We bring people together
Every day, we connect thousands of pet owners with suitable pet sitters across Switzerland.
Fair payment for good work
Unlike other providers, we don't earn money for every hour worked. You specify your own salary based on your experience and the service you offer, and
How is the hourly rate determined?
You determine your own rate based on your experience and qualifications, as well as the pet sitter services you offer. It's best to refer to the hourly rates of pet sitters in your region with similar experience and qualifications to yours.
Learn more about how much you can earn as a pet sitter o
How is it ensured that pet owners are trustworthy?
Every job offer on Petsitting24 goes through a multi-stage quality assurance process.
If you receive a response to your application, you can assume that the person is a premium member. This means we have received their name, address, and payment details.
You can consider a job offer trustworth