Suche Hundesitter in Frauenfeld
8510 Frauenfeld
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Information about the animal
Information about the needed care
Needed services
Full or half day care
Preferred starting date
As soon as possible
Regularly - 9 hours every day
Information about the job
Additional information
Ich suche jemanden, der mich bei der Betreuung von 3 Chihuahua in 8510 Frauenfeld unterstützt. Es handelt sich um 2 Tage in der Woche von 7:15 bis 18:00 Uhr