Dog caregiver needed? Find one in Bulle

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Plusieurs années d'expériences (propre et de garde) ... Fonctionnant sur le renforcement positif envers l'animal. Possédant actuellement un jack russel de 12ans, un berger créole de 2ans, un chat …



CHF 15 / hour

Hello, my name is Constanza but you can call me Coni. I live alone in a nice spacious apartment with a big balcony in Bulle. I'm a 25 year old masters student, my classes don't take me much time durin…



CHF 25 / hour

Hello my name is Lara and im in loved with all the animals but most dogs, I have 19 years old and I really like take care of your animal



Hello! My name is Morgane, I’m 25 years old and I'm in love with animals. I always had dogs and cats that i took care of. I have many friends in the vetenary world so i've learned a lot from them. …



CHF 15 / hour

Hallo, Ich bin Anne Sophie und wohne in Bulle. Momentan studiere ich noch und habe aus diesem Grund noch Zeit um auf Ihren Hund aufzupassen. Ich liebe es Zeit mit Tieren zu verbringen! Leider hat s…



Swissprodog est une entreprise spécialisée dans le domaine canin, que ce soit pour des cours privés, du gardiennage, des promenades ou de la détection de punaises de lit.

Dog caregiver needed? Find one in Bulle

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Find dog care services with heart and sense of responsibility! Because not only holding a dog, but also caring for it means responsibility, commitment and relationship work. At Petsitting24 we are convinced that choosing the right dog care is one of the most important points for a happy dog's life. We provide our dog owners with a wide range of dog caregivers' profiles to help them find the perfect everyday protector for their pet quickly and conveniently. No matter if shepherd dog, driving dog, hunting dog, lapdog or family dog: at Petsitting24 you will find suitable pet care for every dog breed (Huskys, Samoyed, Chihuahua, Rottweiler, Pitbulls, Terrier, Dachshund, Australian Shepards etc.) and for every dog character. Start your search for a dog caretaker now and find your dog caregiver in all the cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Genève, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug und Zurich).