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Hello. My name is Alessia and and I live in Cadenazzo. I love animals. I've always had animals since I was a child and I also have had volunteering experiences in animal shelters in Italy. It will …



CHF 15 / hour

Sono un pet sitter con oltre 5 anni di esperienza, e mi considero particolarmente bravo nell’adattarmi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni animale. Ho un cane di media taglia, un incrocio tra un pitbull …



CHF 20 / hour

Hallo, Suchen SIe eine erfahrene und ehrliche Person, die sich um Ihre Tiere bei Bedarf kümmert? Ich bin selbst Besitzerin von 2 Katzen, hatte früher in Amerika auch Hunde und bin im Moment sehr flex…



CHF 25 / hour

Mi chiamo Lucilla possiedo una lunga esperienza con i cani ho sempre avuto dei cani amo moltissimo gli animali e possiedo un particolare feeling per andare d'accordo con i cani. Ho frequentato la scu…



CHF 25 / hour

Ciao! I've had the pleasure of raising my own fur-baby, Nala (Pomeranian cross) for the last 10 years, since she was a puppy. I've recently relocated to Switzerland from Australia, but I miss my dog v…



CHF 25 / hour

I've had cats all my life (currently have 3 + 1 dog), have volunteered in a sanctuary for years, have cooperated with different animal associations and have been cat-sitting for the past few years in …



CHF 15 / hour

Hello, I am Yaren. I am known for my love and interest in animals, especially dogs. Currently, I do not have a dog, but every moment I spend with dogs is very precious to me.The best thing i can give …



CHF 15 / hour

Ciao, sono Giulia e sono una grande amante dei cani. Ho esperienza con i cani da 3 anni circa. Mi sento a mio agio in loro presenza e mi piace il contatto con loro. Mi offro per portare a spasso il tu…



CHF 15 / hour

Ciao! Mi chiamo Alan! Da sempre appassionato di animali, non c’è stato un singolo giorno nella mia vita senza che fossi circondato da cani o gatti. Io e mia moglie viviamo con due carlini di 13 anni…



CHF 15 / hour

Hi! My name is Lisa and I`m 24 years old. Since I was a little kid, my family and I always had a dog, three years ago I adopted a dog that was rescued from the streets, its has been a challenging jour…



CHF 25 / hour

I am an animal lover. Indeed I am an English teacher but being around animals give me happiness.



CHF 25 / hour

My name is Caterina, from Italy. I spent my childhood among dogs, at my parent’s house. I simply love them, they bring me so much joy. I am kind, reliable and in love with dogs.




Salve, sono Alice. Sono un’amante degli animali ma amo sopratutto i cani. Mi piace fare passeggiate con loro, portarli al parco, giocarci e accudirli nel miglior modo possibile. Non vedo l’ora di c…




Mi chiamo Samantha, vivo a Cugnasco e ho da poco concluso la maturità. Da sempre amo gli animali e ho avuto la fortuna di crescere con due splendidi cani di taglia media/grande, che mi hanno insegnato…



CHF 20 / hour

Hi! My name is Mario and ever since I can remember, I have loved animals. Growing up I moved around a lot, but no matter where we were we had a four legged companion with us and I was usually the one …



CHF 20 / hour

Ciao, mi chiamo Yegor. Sto cercando un lavoro part-time per l'estate. Sono molto responsabile e amo gli animali. Ho anche molto tempo libero, quindi sarà facile da organizzare. Ho l'esperienza con div…



CHF 20 / hour

Sono una studentessa universitaria in cerca di un lavoro estivo. Abito in Capriasca e parlo italiano, un po‘ di francese, tedesco e inglese. Sono un’amante degli animali e curo spesso il cane di 2 ann…



CHF 15 / hour

I study at Lugano University, love animals and have a lot of experience in caring for dogs and cats.




Sono una studentessa universitaria di 24 anni con molta esperienza con i cani (e tanto amore per loro). Sono stata volontaria presso un rifugio per animali e ho acquisito esperienza anche con cani più…




I love animals, particularly dogs. I lived and looked after my dog Simon for 16 years, with which I had a unique and beautiful bond. Last year I was also in charge of a 2-month puppy for 15 days. I am…

Dog caregiver needed? Find one in Isone

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Find dog care services with heart and sense of responsibility! Because not only holding a dog, but also caring for it means responsibility, commitment and relationship work. At Petsitting24 we are convinced that choosing the right dog care is one of the most important points for a happy dog's life. We provide our dog owners with a wide range of dog caregivers' profiles to help them find the perfect everyday protector for their pet quickly and conveniently. No matter if shepherd dog, driving dog, hunting dog, lapdog or family dog: at Petsitting24 you will find suitable pet care for every dog breed (Huskys, Samoyed, Chihuahua, Rottweiler, Pitbulls, Terrier, Dachshund, Australian Shepards etc.) and for every dog character. Start your search for a dog caretaker now and find your dog caregiver in all the cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Genève, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug und Zurich).