Our lovely dog Tiddy needs a reliable petsitter. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for someone on a regular basis. The first working day would be the 06.01.2025. In the table below you can see on which days it would suit us. We liv…
Meet my dog Caoimhe. I am looking for someone to walk her once/twice a week in 5313 Klingnau. I would like to see if you and my dog are compatible before setting up official care. She is a super sweet and energetic dog (so even better if you have a p…
Hier ist unser Hund Lena. Ich suche jemanden, der mir hilft meinen Hund in 5312 Döttingen zu betreuen. Wir suchen jemanden auf regelmässiger Basis. Der erste Arbeitstag wäre der 01.11.2024. In der Tabelle unten sehen Sie, an welchen Tagen es uns pass…
Currently, I'm looking for someone to housesit for me from August 1, 2024 until August 8, 2024. I can arrange some help with daytime walks, but I am looking for someone to stay overnight at my house. Alternatively, I could board my 3 dogs at your pla…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our cat called Jack. The job is to be done in 5200 Brugg. Help is needed on an occasional basis, starting on 19.07.2024 until 23.07.2024 and for 2 hours each time. Are you a real cat-lover? Don't hesitat…
Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Ergou, our cat. We live in 5200 Brugg. Do you have experience with cat care? Help is needed on an occasional basis, starting on 14.07.2024 and for 0.5 hour each time. We will be very happy to hear from y…
We are looking for someone to check on our cat during our vacation. The assignment is from 29th of July to 9th of August (exact start and end dates may vary a bit). We would like to have daily 1 hour long visits. Among taking care of our cat, some ho…
Dear Petsitters, I need somebody to look after Laddu, our dog. We live in 5314 Kleindöttingen. Do you have experience with dog care? Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 2-3 hours per work assignment. We will be very happy to hear…
I am looking for somebody who can support with my dog called Luna. The job is to be done in 5312 Döttingen . We are looking for someone on a regular basis. It would be best if you could start as soon as possible. In the table below you can see on whi…
My lovely cat, Lola needs a sitter. She's a happy but very lazy cat who needs someone to pop in and check on her. She has an automated dry food dispenser and a 3l water fountain so most basic needs are taken care of. She loves treats and snuggles. Sh…
I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after Lou in 5200 Brugg. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular/ocassional basis. The job would start around 12.02.2024 and until March 2nd. In the table below you can…
Looking for someone who can take care of our grown-up house cat Bonifacius from 09.12.2023 to 12.01.2024. Located in Kleindöttingen 5314, but can bring him to your place and pick up back by car. Will provide all food and toilet litter of course, toge…
I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after Rua in 5314 Kleindöttingen . We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would start on 04.09.2023. In the table below you can see when in the week it …
Ich brauche eine liebevolle und zuverlässige Person, die sich um meinen Hund Freja in 5417 Untersiggenthal kümmern kann. Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer Person, die uns regelmäßig unterstützt. Die Stelle würde am 04.03.2024 beginnen. In der untenst…
Dear petsitters, we live in 5315 Döttingen with our dog Luna and canela. Are you interested in helping me with dog care? This job takes 1 hour to be completed. It will be required occasionally, starting on 19.06.2023. I'm looking forward to hearing f…