I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my cat Bella and gigi in 3008 Bern. Do you have experience with cat care? The job will start on 01.04.2025 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will take 1 hour approximat…
Dear petsitters, we live in 3011 Bern with our dog Milou. Are you interested in helping me with dog care? This job takes 2.5 hours to be completed. It will be required occasionally, starting on 22.01.2025. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear petsitters, we live in 3098 Köniz with our cat Kikiko & lily . Are you interested in helping me with cat care? This job needs to be done occasionally and for 1 hour each time. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking for an experienced, cat-loving person who can look after Maui, gaia in 3007 Bern. The job needs to done from the 30.12.2024 to the 04-01-2025. The jon consists on cleanint the sand, give them their wet food and water. Write me a message i…
I am looking for somebody who can take care of my cats Moira and Ayla when I go on holiday or leave for work. I am currently looking for somebody from 12th to 16th of December. The job is in 3012 Bern and consists of 1 hour per day.
Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die auf Garvin meinen Hund in 3147 Mittelhäusern aufpassen kann. Ich suche jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Es geht vor allem zum Spazieren am Nachmittag .Der Job würde am 01.1…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Stitch. The job is to be done in 3185 Schmitten. We are looking for someone on a regular basis. In the table below you can see on which days it would suit us. We are looking for a person w…
Ich suche einen liebevollen und verlässlichen Betreuer, der auf meine Katze Grechka in 3145 Niederscherli aufpasst. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde am 15.12.2024 starten. Sind Sie ein erfahrener Betr…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Luna. The job is to be done in 3084 Wabern. Help is required on an occasional basis, starting on 26.08.2024. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me. I actually have work…
Hello, I am looking for somebody who can support with my dog called Nina when I need to be in the office once or twice a week. The job is to be done in 3122 Kehrsatz. A walk in the morning and a walk i the afternoon. Organization has anyway to be d…
I'm looking for an experienced, cat-loving person who can look after my cat Mimi in Niederwangen 3172 Bern. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would start on 03.08.2024. In the table below you can see when…
Ich suche einen liebevollen und verlässlichen Betreuer, der auf meinen Hund Motta in 3012 Bern aufpasst und mit Ihr nach draussen in die Natur geht. Ich suche jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde am 15.05. 2024 star…
Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die auf Jojo, unsere Katze in 3012 Bern aufpassen kann. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde zunächst am 04.02.2024 starten, für eine Woche lang täglich 1 ma…
Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die auf Mali, unseren Hund in 3145 Niederscherli aufpassen kann. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann indem er/sie Mali gegen Mittag kurz besucht und mit ihm sein Geschäft …
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Molly to care for her while we are away. The job is to be in Thun at your place. Help is needed from 28.12.2023 until 02.01.2024. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Guten Tag Da ich einen neuen Job habe bei welcher ich leider nicht über die Mittagspause nach Hause gehen kann, suche ich jemand, der mit meinem Hund spazieren geht. Gennaro ist ein sehr freundlicher und gemütlicher Hund. Leider hat er Post…
I'm looking for experienced and reliable support for our dog Laika. We live in 3012 Bern. This job needs to be done occasionally, starting on 29.08.2023. Please write me if you are the dog-sitter who can help us. Please note that Laika is a Galgo …
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Sacha in 3012 Bern. Do you have experience with dog care? The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 3 hours approximately. Please reach out if you are int…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Mira. The job is to be done in 3008 Bern. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 2 hours per work assignment. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.