Dear petsitters, we are looking for somebody to go on morning walks with our 2 dogs. They are both seniors. Golden retriever and Flat Coated retriever. We live in Bellach. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for a person who can supp…
Ich bin Sari eine 7 jährige kastrierte Bernersenn x Bordercolie Mix. Da meine Chefin am 1.7. in der Stadt Solothurn einen neuen Job anfängt und ich mit zur Arbeit darf, suche ich für die Nachmittage jemand der Lust hat, etwas mit mir zu unternehmen…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my cat Nola in 4522 Rüttenen. Do you have experience with cat care? We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The start, exact times and days of the week are still open. L…
Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Luna , our dog. We live in 4500 Solothurn. Do you have experience with dog care? Help is needed on an occasional basis, from 23.03.2024 to 28.03.2024 and for 1 hour each time, 2 times a day. We will be v…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Niabi in 4533 Riedholz. Do you have experience with dog care? The job will start on 08.01.2024 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will take 1 hour approximately. …
I am looking for somebody who can support with our cat called Lubel. The job is to be done in 4533 Riedholz. Help is needed on an occasional basis, starting on 03.11.2023 and for 1 hour each time. Are you a real cat-lover? Don't hesitate to contact m…
Meet our dog Bolt. I am looking for somebody who supports me with dog care in 2745 Grandval. We would prefer it if you could support us on a regular basis. Start date would be as soon as possible. If you are interested, I will be very happy to hear f…
Meet our dog Lotti. I am looking for somebody who supports me with dog care in 4500 Solothurn. We would prefer it if you could support us on a regular basis. The start date would be the 24.09.2023. You can see which days and times would suit us in th…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Dominique in 4500 Solothurn, across the street from the main station. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would …
Ich suche einen liebevollen und verlässlichen Betreuer, der auf meine Katze Livi in 4500 Solothurn aufpasst. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde am 09.07.2023 starten. Die Arbeitsdauer wäre insgesamt ca.…
Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die auf Nicky und Elly, unseren Kleinsäuger in 4513 Langendorf aufpassen kann. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde am 15.07.2023 starten. Unten in der Tabel…