Liebe Hundefreunde .... Ich suche einen liebevollen und verlässlichen Betreuer, der auf meine Hunde Rafa und Franja in 3900 Brig und Umgebung während meiner Arbeitszeit ( Schichtdienst im Spital ) verlässlich aufpasst. Wir sind auf der Suche nach ei…
Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Chloe & Teddy, our dogs. We live in 3930 Visp. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular basis. Please refer to the table below to see which days a…
Dear petsitters, we live in 3930 Visp with our dog Nico. Are you interested in helping me with dog care? This is a one-time assignment, which needs to be done on 19.08.2024 in 4 hours. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after Bauer and bruiser in 3930 Visp. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would start on 12.02.2024. In the table below you can see when in the week …
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Loki in 3902 Glis. Do you have experience with dog care? The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 2 hours approximately. Please reach out if you are inte…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Luna in 3930 Visp. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. In the table below you can see when in the week it would suit us.…
I'm looking for experienced and reliable support for our dog Hank. We live in 3900 Brig. The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 2 hours approximately. Please write me if you are the dog-sitter who can help us.
I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after Meadow and Chester in 3930 Visp. The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 2 to 5 hours a day approximately. Write me a message if you think you ar…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Mabel. The job is to be done in 3942 Niedergesteln. Help is needed for 3.5 hours on 04.07.2023. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Meet our dog Hyro. I am looking for somebody who supports me with dog care in 3930 Visp. This job takes 4 hours to be completed. It will be required occasionally, starting on 20.05.2023. If you are interested, I will be very happy to hear from you.
My name is Soraia and I have a 6 year old dog named Lia. She’s medium size dog (around 17kg), loves people and she’s super playful! I am registering in case I go out of town to find someone to take care of her overnight or for a few days
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Ferdia in 3900 Brig. Do you have experience with dog care? The job needs to be done on a regular basis, from approx. 04.04.2022 onwards. Please check the table for possible weekdays and ho…