Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die auf Stima, unseren Hund in 8704 Herrliberg aufpassen kann. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde per sofort starten. Unten in der Tabelle können Sie sehen…
Meet our dog Nala. I am looking for somebody who supports me with dog care in 8006 Zurich. This job needs to be done occasionally, starting on 28.02.2025. If you are interested, I will be very happy to hear from you.
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Minni und iines in 8702 Zollikon. Do you have experience with dog care? The job needs to be done on 14.03.2025. Please reach out if you are interested.
Ich suche eine erfahrene, tierliebende Person, die auf Gjango, unseren Hund/Mops in 8044 Gockhausen aufpassen kann. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Der Job würde am 24.03.2025 starten. Schreiben Sie mir eine Nachr…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my cat Twix and oreo in 8942 Oberrieden. Do you have experience with cat care? The job needs to be done on 21 and 22.02.2025 within 1 hour. Please reach out if you are interested. we are from Bra…
I'm looking for experienced and reliable support for my cat Minu. I live in 8800 Thalwil. This job takes 1 hour to be completed per day. It will be required daily, starting on 18.02.2025 until the 23.02.2025. Please write me if you are the cat-sitter…
I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after Dawn and dexter in 8810 Horgen. The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 2 hours approximately. Write me a message if you think you are the right…
We need a loving and reliable person to look after our dog, Connie, in 8802 Kilchberg ZH. Do you have experience with dog care? Additionally, we have a cat, Max Orhan. He’s a free-spirited guy and will probably be outside when you’re with Connie. T…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Tila. The job is to be done in 8700 Küsnacht (ZH). Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 25 hours per work assignment. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contac…
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Noa. The job is to be done in 8053 Zurich. Help is needed for a week. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Luna. The job is to be done in 8123 Ebmatingen. Help is needed from 28.02.2025 until 05-03-2025. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Ich benötige eine liebevolle und zuverlässige Person, die sich um meinen Hund Easy kümmern kann. Er ist ein 11-jähriger Labrador und, wie es bei Labradors typisch ist, ein sehr umgänglicher Sonnenschein. Die Betreuung wäre in 8706 Meilen. Hast du Erf…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Sparky in 8045 Zurich during my absence. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would start on 17.03.2025 until end…
Dear petsitters, we live in 8134 Adliswil with our dog. Are you interested in helping me with dog care? This job needs to be done occasionally, starting on 25.01.2025. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking for an experienced, dog-loving person who can look after X and y in 8703 Erlenbach (ZH). The job will start on 06.02.2025 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will take 40 hours approximately. Write me a message if…
Dear petsitters, we live in 8706 Meilen with our dog Pixie. Are you interested in helping me with dog care? This job needs to be done occasionally and for 3 hours each time. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I’m looking for somebody who will come and live in our home whilst we travel abroad. We live in bar and have two small dogs and a bearded dragon. The job would require walking the dogs twice a day and staying in the house overnight and also feedin…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Pongo, golden retriever 9 months, in 8008 Zurich. Do you have experience with dog care? The job will start on 29.12.2024 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will t…
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my cat Tartufo and topolino in 8003 Zurich. Do you have experience with cat care? The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 1 hour approximately. Please reach o…