I am a mum of two children 16 and 19 and a 10 year old cocker spaniel mixed poodle. We have been in Switzerland 8 years, speak English and some High German. I have a love of animals and have always be…
Hallo miteinander! Ich heisse Chiara, komme aus Steinhausen und bin Studentin. Schon seit ich auf der Welt bin, bin ich von Tieren umgeben. Vor allem Katzen und Hunde sind meine grosse Leidenschaft. F…
Hello, my name is Agata. I am an experienced cat and dog owner and caregiver. I am mobile and can easily travel to you. Now that my children are older, I have more time to dedicate to my passion for c…
Mein Name ist Chiara und ich wohne seit August in Baar. Ich bin mit Hunden und Katzen aufgewachsen, und biete seit mehreren Jahren Betreuung für Haustiere an. Ich liebe alle Tiere, und wäre für alles …
Good afternoon, my name is Veronica. I love animals very much since childhood, I had a cat, then hamsters, a few years later two kittens appeared, one was bought, the other was taken from the street, …
Hallo Zusammen Seit ich klein bin hatten wir immer einen Hund zu Hause. Ich habe es geliebt mit ihnen nach draussen zu gehen mit ihnen zu spazieren und zu spielen. Leider ist es mir nicht möglich ein…
Hi there! I was raised up with dogs, cats and chickens my whole childhood and now don't own anymore because I am working 5 days a week 8 hours and live in a studio apartment. In the mornings I go jo…
Ciao, mi chiamo Eleonora e ho 28. Amo gli animali e ho avuto esperienza come dog Sitter e un'esperienza privata con il mio gatto per 15 anni che purtroppo non c'è piú. Sono disposta ad accogliere i vo…
My name is Natalya. I have been living here for 7 years and I also have a dog (chi hua hua), brought up ;) and large dogs are also familiar to me .. I will be happy to take a walk with your favorite …
Love animals as I had dogs and cats since my childhood in Croatia. Have two cats now hence can't have a dog so I would love to take care of someone else's dog. Can take care of cats of course.
My name is Estefany, I am from Mexico, I speak English, Spanish, and German. I love dogs, I have 2 chihuahuas in Mexico, sadly the place where I'm living now doesn't allow pets, that's why I would li…
I am experienced dog and cat and small animal pet sitter including chicken. I had a dog during 15 years, and i had 2 cats since i was a child, 20 years in total. I love animals, and my 2 kids growing …
I have always had cats since I was a young child. I recently lost my most dearest girlie. I am not ready to get a new kitten so I want to help and look after other cats and kittens. ------ Ich habe …
Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo India, ho sempre avuto animali e non potrei stare senza. Danno tanto amore e sono molto coccoloni. Mi piace giocare, andare a fare passeggiate all'aria aperta con loro.
My whole life i grew up with animals, and also learned to care for them. Not only did i grow up with dogs or cats, i also had rats, chinchillas, ferrets, snakes, lizards, tarantulas and turtles. I lov…
Guten Tag Ich habe viel Erfahrung in der Kommunikation mit Tieren, da ich mein ganzes Leben lang Haustiere gehabt habe: Hunde, Chinchillas, Papageien, Hamster. Zur Zeit habe ich auch einen Hund, Mr. …

Ich heisse Daniela und hatte 10 Jahre lang ein Kooikerhondje. Ich betreute auch einen alten Chiuahua, der jetzt leider verstorben ist. Im Moment betreue ich den Hund meiner Nachbarin, die ins Altershe…
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