Hallo! Ich liebe alle Tiere, besonders Hunde und Katzen. Ich kümmere mich gerne um Ihre Vierbeiner. Ich habe morgens frei und gehe gerne spazieren mit Ihrem besten Freund statt alleine :) Ich liebe s…
Das Wohl der Tiere steht bei mir an oberster Stelle. Sind sie zufrieden bin ich es auch und ihre Menschen können sicher sein, dass es ihren Lieblingen gut geht und den Tag unbeschwert geniessen.
My name is Laura and I am based in Zermatt, Switzerland. Since 2023 I help occasionally tourists with their loved-best friend ones. I have been taking care of my dog for many years and, in general, …
Hello everybody :-) my name is Hana and I am currently living in Zermatt...I always have animals around me, so if you need any helps with your pet I am the right person for you :-)
Hello, I like to go for a long walks in the mountains and close to town. I am naturally calm person and bring a lot of play in when there are young energy dogs around. I have been looking after famil…
Hello! Im Aitana and im currently working at a hotel in Zermatt and I would like to be able to take care of pets in my free time. I love dogs and cats. I always had pets, but the most special one has …
Je m'appelle Manon et je suis passionnée par les animaux, notamment les chiens. Ayant grandi entourée d'animaux il est naturel pour moi d'en prendre soin et d'apprécier leur compagnie. Concernant m…
Hello. I'm Ana and I have more than 15 years of experience taking care of small and medium-sized dogs. I always had one at home since I was kid, they're a member of the family. I'm very attentive to t…
Hello! My name is Maria and I am from Spain but I am currently working in Zermatt. In Spain I have three dogs and a horse that are now cared for by my mother while I am here working and studying lang…
Liebe Hundebesitzer, Liebe Tierfreunde Ich bin Dinah und bin von klein an mit einem Hund, Katzen und Hasen in Berührung gekommen und aufgewachsen. Durch den regelmässigen Besuch in einer Hundeschul…
De l'amour et de la tendresse pour les animaux, c’est le plus important pour moi! De la patience pour m’´occuper d'animaux malades ou traumatisés, c’est aussi une qualité très importante. Je suis vra…
Hi, my name is Josefina. I'll be in Zermatt for the winter. This will be my third winter season. For November I have a lot of free time, so I was looking something flexible. I always had cats at hom…
Hello, I am Marzia, I’m 22 and I’m from Italy. I am currently working in Zermatt but have lots of free time so if you need any help with your pet, I would be glad to help. I can send you some referenc…
I'm an experienced pet sitter and animal lover. I have many years of experience in pet sitting, fostering and also have volunteered at different shelters around the world, on top of having animals all…
Ciao, sono Sebastiano. Sono laureato al corso di Amministrazione, amante della finanza. Sono appassionata di cani e gatti, poiché sono cresciuta con loro tutta la mia vita e ho esperienza nel prenderm…
Hello Lucy from Slovakia here. Never had dog and always wanted one. In my home town I was always taking neighbors dogs for walks when they went somewhere for shortherm or longtherm. I am enjoing long…
Hi dog lovers , my Name is Fernando from portugal i have a dog hotel working in portugal , more then 6 years of experience working veterinarian support, I have my own dog wich I.love so.much so I kno…
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