Trouvez des jobs pour garder des animaux à Greppen

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Nous avons trouvé 14 offres d'emploi pour vous.

Dog sitter

Cerco qualcuno che si occupi del mio cane portandolo a passeggio un paio di volte al giorno e per dargli da mangiare, sono disponibile a valutare le modalità che il dog sitter proporrà. Sarò in viaggio dal 27/12 sera e rientrerò domenica 29/12 in mat…

Looking for a catsitter in Lucerne

Dear petsitters, me and my kitty Norrie live in 6006 Lucerne. Are you interested in checking in on her for a couple of hours from the 31.12.2024 to the 3rd of Jan? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Looking for a dogsitter in Cham for 2 dogs

I am looking for somebody who can support with our dogs (Boston Terriers) called Nacho and Lola. The job is to be done in 6330, Cham. Sometimes we travel and need overnight care for our dogs in addition to check-ins during the day. The dogs are young…

Hundesitter gesucht in Risch-Rotkreuz

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem erfahrenen und verlässlichen Betreuer für unseren Hund Chel. Wir leben in 6343 Risch-Rotkreuz. Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer regelmässigen Unterstützung. Es wäre super, wenn Sie so schnell wie möglich starten könn…

Looking for a catsitter in Oberarth

I need a loving and reliable person who can visit and take care of my 3 cats: Noodle, Bian Fu, and Huli in 6414 Oberarth. Do you have experience with cat care? We are looking for someone who can do check-in visits on the cats every two days, from 02.…

Je cherche un gardien de chiens à Walchwil

Chers pet sitters, mon chien Yuta et moi vivons à 6318 Walchwil et avons besoin d’une personne fiable qui puisse prendre soin de Yuta. Garder un chien vous passionne et vous souhaitez nous apporter votre soutien? Ce travail sera effectué à partir du …

Visita occasionale

Di tanto in tanto abbiamo bisogno di qualcuno che visiti il nostro gatto, dia da mangiare e da bere e pulisca la lettiera

Check water, food and clean litter

Hi all, we have two wonderful cats (Silvio and Oliver) and we would need a cat sitter that just come to our apartment, check the food and water and clean up the litter. We would need the cat sitting service for about 3 times in the period 23/07 - 31/…

Tenere il cane per 2 o 3 ore

Buongiorno, avrei bisogno che qualcuno mi tenga il cane domani in tarda mattinata mentre io e la mia famiglia visitiamo il museo dei Trasporti. Grazie Elena

Suche Katzensitter in Merlischachen

Gelegentliche Betreuung während Ferien von zwei bkh Jungkatzen. Entweder mittels check-in bei uns Zuhause oder in Pension.

Lillo old sweet dog

Stiamo cercando una persona affidabile che posso prendere cura del nostro cane per una settimana. La persona dovra venire a casa due volte al giorno per una piccola passeggiata (il cane ha 17 anni) e per dargli da mangiare. All’incirca si trattera di…

Katzen Check-in Besuche während Ferienabwesenheit

4 Katzen, ideal 2x täglich besuchen. Füttern und Katzentoilette Unterhalt. 14 Tage während Ferienabwesenheit.

Cat sitter needed in Buchrain

I'm looking for an experienced cat lover who can check in on my two very friendly cats while I travel for work. Visits would be feeding, scooping litter box and giving some pets and attention. I am located in Buchrain. I am working on my German but p…

Je cherche un gardien de chiens à Bürgenstock

Ich suche jemanden der ab 1 November, auf Anfrage, manche Nachmittage und/oder Abende mit meinem Max, 10 jähriger Labrador, bleiben kann.

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Trouvez des jobs pour garder des animaux dans votre région. Chez nous vous profitez d'un grand choix de petites annonces pour la garde de toute sorte d'animaux de compagnie: Chiens, chats, oiseaux, poissons, petits animaux (chinchillas, hamsters, souris, lapins), mais aussi grenouilles, tortues et reptiles. Postulez en seulement quelques clics pour les mini jobs de votre choix et trouvez facilement plein d'animaux à garder près de chez vous. Les mini-listes sur Petsitting24 contiennent des jobs pour la garde d'animaux dans tous les cantons de Suisse (Genève, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Jura, Berne/Bern, Zurich/Zürich, Lucerne/Luzern, Bâle-Ville/Basel-Stadt, Bâle-Campagne/Basel-Landschaft, Uri, Schwytz/Schwyz, Obwald/Obwalden, Nidwald/Nidwalden, Glaris/Glarus, Zoug/Zug, Soleure/Solothurn, Schaffhouse/Schaffhausen, Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures/Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures/Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Saint-Gall/St. Gallen, Grisons/Graubünden, Argovie/Aargau, Thurgovie/Thurgau, Tessin/Ticino), ainsi que dans les villes principales (Genève, Lausanne, Delémont, Sion, Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Bienne, Berne, Bâle, Aarau, Baden, Coire/Chur, Frauenfeld, Liestal, Lucerne, Rapperswil, Schaffhouse, Soleure, Saint-Gall, Thoune/Thun, Wil, Winterthour/Winterthur, Zoug/Zug ou Zurich/Zürich).