Dear petsitters, We need somebody to check in on Barkley , our 6 year old (happy, well trained, black Labrador) twice a day from 18-22nd December whilst my husband is at work and I am in Scotland: We live in 8802 Kilchberg (ZH). Thereafter I will hav…
Liebe Tierbetreuerin Wir suchen eine weibliche Person zur Bezteuung unserer 17-jährigen nierenkranken Katze Chheky. Wir suchen jemanden, der Zeit hat, damit sich Cheeky möglichst nicht alleine fühlt. Eine Studentin, die bei uns lernt? LG Josiane
Devo andare a lavoro per una urgenza e mi serve oggi qualcuno che tenga il mio cucciolo dalle 10:30 alle 14:30
Hi, we are a family of three - myself, my daughter Olive and our cat Quin (10yrs old). We will be going back to the UK during the Christmas break from 18th - 28th December and are looking for a loving and reliable person/family to support us to chec…
Hi Menschen, ich bin eine liebevolle, kuschelige und flauschige 15-Jahre junge Dame namens Cher und ich suche nach eine:m kurzzeitigen Ersatz für meine zweibeinige Kuschelpartnerin Theo. Ich bin total lieb, liiiebe Kopfmassagen und bin super unkomp…
I miei vicini si lamentano che abbaia molto forte!!!e‘un bassotto e effettivamente ha una voce forte!!!io sono un cuoco e mia figlia pasticcera alla mattina lavoriamo ma abbiamo due gg liberi
Hi there! We are looking for a cat sitter, that will get to know our cat Simon, for occasional petsitting. In particular, we soon plan to be away from November 22th - 25th, there it would be necessary to be able to look after him. He is a 8 year old…
Languages spoken: EN / DE / FR / PT / ES Hello! Our dog, Sophie, is 13 years old. We are looking for a dog sitter during the day (ideally between 11am and 2pm). She loves going for a walk, usually 10-15 minutes around our neighbourhood. She is s…
Serve una persona che possa custodire Sissi. Lei è un cane tranquillo che gli piace giocare, non abbaia e non morde, ha paura delle persone quindi lei è molto paurosa. Lei è un angelo
Chers gardiens et gardiennes d'animaux, j’ai besoin de quelqu'un pour s'occuper de Syrah, ma chienne. Nous serons à Zurich à l’occasion d’un mariage et aurions besoin qu’elle soit gardée le vendredi soir (21.06.24) de 19h à 22h et le samedi (22.06.24…
Für Ferienbetreuung unserer Katze in 8053 Zürich suchen wir eine erfahrene, liebevolle Betreuerin die tägliche (morgens und abends) Check-in Besuche macht (wärhend rund 1 Woche, Oktober 2024).
Meet our dog Charlie. Charlie is a 9 year old female Maltese x. Charlie loves humans, but she doesn't like other dogs. Charlie is okay with children that she knows and is used to, but can be scared of young children she doesn't know. Charlie loves…
Je suis à la recherche d'une personne expérimentée, passionnée d'animaux, qui puisse s'occuper de mon chien Alfie à 8700 Küsnacht. Le travail doit être effectué le 03.08.2024 dans un délai de 6 heures. N’hésitez pas à m’écrire si vous êtes certain-e …
Hi Emil, we are leaving for a trip to Sweden (I am Swedish :) and looking for a dogsitter for our large Akita Inu, Tiger (9 years old, super chill) in between the evening of Thursday 8/22 to Sunday 8/25. We are flexible regarding the amount of care; …
Je suis à la recherche d'une aide expérimentée et fiable pour s’occuper de mon chien Leon. Nous vivons à 8008 Zurich . Vous êtes le pet sitter parfait pour Leon? Dans ce cas n’hésitez pas à me contacter. Je cherche quelqu un qui pourrait garder Leon…
Mon adorable chien Charlyblue a besoin d'une personne de garde fiable. Vous avez de l'expérience dans le domaine de garde d’animaux et êtes certain-e d’être la personne parfaite pour s’occuper de notre chouchou? Nous sommes invités à une soirée le 24…
Hi, We are looking for a dog sitter to either visit and take him for a walk once per day or to take him for about 3 half days per week. The details can be ironed out to suit both parties. Archie is a 2.5yr old black labrador. Incredibly good natured…
Wie suchen für den 13. und 15. Juni 2024 jemanden, der sich um unsere Katze kümmert (Check-In Besuch, Katzen-Klo reinigen, Füttern, Bespassen). Es handelt sich um 2 Einsätze für je eine Stunde ca. Standort Baar
We are looking for one or two catsitters who would take care of our two Ragdoll cats when we travel. We live in Adliswil, on Albisstrasse, right next to the Wildnispark. The cats are around 2 years old, a bit shy at first in the company of new people…
Need Pet Sitting for 2 ferrets daily for 4 days. Everyday check-in at home, max 1 hr (clean/feed)
8942 Oberrieden, CH Petit mammifère2 male ferrets: Romeo & Luigi. Castrated. They are 1.5 yrs old, energetic and playful. Need daily check-in, clean puppy pads, fresh water and refill & food everyday for 4 days.
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