Mi chiamo Giulia, abito alla La Punt-Chamues-ch , sono un’amante dei cani e offro passeggiate quotidiane e giochi all’aperto. Sono disponibile tutti i giorni a chiamata.
I love animal, I have 2 dogs and they are like children for me and then I have a Maine Coon cat so I have every day experience. I also like walking in the nature so for me is a pleasure to take the p…
My name is Aleksandra ,I’m 32. Since childhood I have had pets and throughout my life I have helped friends look after their pets. It brings me a lot of pleasure and joy.I have free time and I would l…
I am Tina, 26 year old Belgian girl working in Switserland in the season. I have many animals at home: goats, cats, chickens, and a dog in the past. also with horses i have experience since i have b…
Se stai cercando qualcuno che si prenda cura del tuo amico a quattro zampe come fosse il suo, sono la persona giusta per te! Mi chiamo Maria Rosaria, sono una studentessa universitaria e appassionata …
Hi! I'm a 25-year-old animal lover with a lifetime of experience caring for pets. From cats and dogs to rabbits and even horses, I've been around animals since I was a child. Whether it's feeding, wal…
I’m a cheerful, animal-loving young woman living in the Engadin. I love spending time with dogs and cats since I was a child. Inaddition I like to go out and spent time in the nature. Animals need att…
Hi! My name is Sandra. I’m a big animal lover and grew up with 3cats, 2dogs and an aquarium of fish and a chincila. I am currenty training and raising a 5months old puppy - so I have a lot of experien…
Ich heiße Denisa, Ursprünglich komme ich aus Tschechien und gerade arbeite ich als Kinderbetreuerin in Pontresina. Seit meiner Kindheit bin ich mit den Tieren aufgewachsen, mit einem Hund, zwei …
I am an animal lover . I have a three cats at home and I used to go to a dog shelters and helped to walk the dogs around. During my childhood I had a hamster and guinea pig. I was around the animals s…
Ciao mi chiamo Stefano, sono un Addestratore cinofilo qualificato ENCI Mi offro per aiutarti con il tuo cane a 360° Sono l',ideatore di Bauscia, un servizio che fi svolge UNICAMENTE a domicilio per of…
Ich habe keine Ausbildung im Bezug auf Haustiere, passe allerdings seit mehreren Jahren (ungefähr 3 Jahre) auf die beiden kleinen Chihuahuas meines besten Freundes auf, habe Erfahrung mit größeren Hun…
Hello dear pet owners, my name is Jo, and I’m originally from Milan. I am a dog, cat, horse and nature lover with over 15 years of pet sitting experience. I am a writer and currently studying for a do…
Dutch: Hallo! Mein Name ist Manuel, ich komme aus Argentinien und beginne hier in St. Moritz, Schweiz, ein neues Leben. Ich bin umgeben von Tieren aufgewachsen und habe mein ganzes Leben dort verbra…
Salve, mi chiamo Alessio, amo e curo gli animali da quando sono bambini, grazie all'amore per gli animali che mi hanno trasmesso i miei genitori per cani, gatti, pesci, rettili ed uccelli Possiedo per…
Ciao, mi chiamo Guglielmo, sono un ragazzo italiano di 27 anni e mi trovo in Svizzera, a Samedan, per la stagione invernale come maestro di sci. Parlo fluentemente italiano, inglese e un po' di spagn…
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