
6318 Walchwil

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Uccello
  • Pesci

Descrizione personale


Thank you for visiting my page. My name is Magdalena and I'm from Toronto Canada.

I specialize in cuddling and taking care of your animal friends according to their individual needs, including feedings and activity levels (playing, walking, napping etc.)

Your pet is welcome in my home for longer durations including overnight. I currently do not have any pets.

I love animals, all of them. Dogs, cats, elephants, hippos etc. I have been a parent to numerous cats throughout my life, and I've been a dog sitter for numerous friends and family members.

I would be happy to meet you and your furry friend before any arrangements are made.

Thank you,


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