
1205 Genf

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Pesci
  • Piccoli mammiferi

Descrizione personale

Dear fellow animal lovers,

I would be happy to feed, play with, clean up after, walk, and give lots of love to your animal babies. I especially love and know cats--I have an 8 year old Oriental Shorthair boy and he is my best friend. I love dogs as well, although I would need your help with establishing rapport with a large dog, so that I can learn how to control him or her when we go for walks and meet other dogs. My parents have two dachshunds, who are quite spirited, but whom I can control easily while walking.

My profession is IT Business Analyst, but at 58 years old I can no longer find a job in my profession. I am not currently working, so I am available at any time. I am ready to do something different and more rewarding with my life, and taking care of animals would be an ideal option.

I also love plants and would be delighted to take care of your balcony garden.

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