
8953 Dietikon

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
Referenze disponibile e Addestramento animali domestici disponibile

Descrizione personale

I am on a journey of recovery from a surgery, feeling much better and more energetic than before, so i would like to used my time doing something meaningful to begin with.

We can agree that animal is one of the best way to do so. I also grow up in a big family,always surrounded by house animal. Until i started travelling and moved to places. At the moment i am living in animal free house but i am certain that helping taking care of them will help both of us (your pets and me and my time of recovery worthwhile).

My last job before my health issue occured was a house manager of a dive school/yoga retreat resort which happen to be the only one dive school on the island that have a marine conservation program. I surely have learned a lot from there about marine life and basic care of marine animals. During that time we also adopted many stray island dogs which they are now living at a resort as a family and little helper. :)

The importance of my previous job is a caring and paying attention to clients individual needs. Working in service and hospitality field requires a lot of focusing and care for details, patience and commucation also is a key as well as problem solving skills.

Last but not least. As i am on a health recovery road. I have nothing to do with my time so, your animal will not be left unattended. Much love, care for and a lot fun will be provided. :)

More info/referrence can be provided if needed.

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