
8260 Stein Am Rhein

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Piccoli mammiferi
  • Uccello
  • Rettili
  • Pesci
Referenze disponibile

Descrizione personale

My name is Kyla Marie. I am a 30-year-old US citizen living in Stein am Rhein, Schaffhausen since November 2021. I work both from home and Geneva at the United Nations.

I grew up with animals and love caring for them during my free time. I have more than 15 years experience and have been offering pet care services since I was 12 years old in five different countries. I speak English, French, Chinese, and some Spanish, Arabic and German.

I am a friendly, responsible and reliable caretaker with flexible rates depending on your pet size, location and hours. Don’t hesitate to reach out! Depending on my work and travel schedule, I am happy to assist. Due to frequent travel at the moment, I am, however, not currently taking regular fixed clients at this time.

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