
8926 Uerzlikon

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Piccoli mammiferi
  • Uccello
  • Rettili
  • Cavallo
  • Pesci
  • Altro
Referenze disponibile
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Descrizione personale

As we don't currently have any pets, I'm available to take care of yours! I grew up having cats, and as a teenager we got our first dogs: first an adopted greyhound puppy, and then a young German Shepherd, trained as a seeing eye dog, but needing a new home. I attended Puppy Kindergarten with the first, and took responsibility for their training.

I've also been a professional horse trainer, and have no problem looking after horses, donkeys.. or sheep, goats, chickens, and any other farm animals! Looking after small animals (bunnies, etc.) is also not a problem.

Currently I have free time, although I have two children (6 & 9 years), who love animals. If you live close by, I'd also be interested in a regular dog-walking arrangement.

Please contact me if you're interested to arrange something!

I speak English and German, having lived in Switzerland since 2008.

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