
1214 Vernier

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto

Descrizione personale

Hello, my name is Tiago and i am currently studying a master program here in Geneve.

I can speak portuguese, spanish, english, and currently developing french. I have myself a pet in my house, a young cat named Pacha.

When i am walking dogs or taking care of cats, i usually send a photo/video showing the task being done.

For me the most important things at work are: Always be professional and have a good ability to adapt to the pet within its context / territory in order to be efficient in the tasks that I have to do. It is important for me to take care and always treat animals with all the love, dignity and care.

The hourly rate can be negotiated.

Please, send me a message if you need more information.

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