
6005 Luzern
1 valutazione

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Piccoli mammiferi
  • Uccello
  • Cavallo
  • Pesci
  • Altro
Referenze disponibile e Addestramento animali domestici disponibile

Descrizione personale

Hello, I am Hanne! I'm originally from Belgium but moved to Switzerland for my master in architecture. As a student, I'm looking for a part-time job. I grew up with a lot of animals at home: dogs, cats, birds, fishes, bunny's, hamsters and I took care of someone's horse for 10 years. Here in Switzerland I don't have any pet what gives an empty space to be filled up again.

My mother tongue is dutch, I speak fluent English, I understand German and can speak the basics, the same for french. Let me know if I can help you with taking care of you pet. It would be a pleasure!

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