Darrer doggos

9 valutazioni

Dettagli azienda

Borna D.
4055 Basel

Qualifiche e mobilità

Di quale specie di animali si può occupare?
Addestramento animali domestici disponibile

Descrizione personale

Hi, my name is Borna, I'm a dog trainer from Croatia and a lifelong dog owner. I still don't speak German but I speak dog language very well. Dogs has always been my passion and love. Their loyalty, unbreakable positive worldview and energy has always been a great inspiration for me. Beside the course I took on dog behavior and training techniques, at my last job I managed about 20 dogs daily, and my main priority was always their safety and wellbeing. I'm proud to say that dogs I've trained are working around the world now. The experience and skills I gained, combined with my love for them, are helping me to perform this job effectively. I'm very good at reading dogs body language, and can anticipate potential problems during the walks. Resolving any fears and problems (other dogs, loud noises, traffic etc.) they may have during the walks are implied for me, and I will keep you well informed so you can track progress.

45 min walk-->25 CHF

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