
8426 Lufingen

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Uccello
  • Pesci
  • Piccoli mammiferi
  • Cavallo
Referenze disponibile e Addestramento animali domestici disponibile
Auto a disposizione

Descrizione personale

My name is Frida. I am from Sweden, and have been living in Zürich since January. I'm a licensed dogtrainer, and licensed by the Swedish "Jordbruksverket" (agricultural authority ) to breed and care for rabbits. But most of all, I love animals, and have surronded mysef with them my whole life. I used to live on a small farm with dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, fish, and birds (hen and quail). I've also been working with sheep, goats, cows, as well as horses. I am fluent in Swedish and English, and my German is improving each day.

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