
6006 Luzern

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
Referenze disponibile e Addestramento animali domestici disponibile

Descrizione personale

Hello there,

I moved to Luzern at the beginning of October 2017 from a little town in England called Stoke On Trent. My partner got offered an amazing job so that's why we are here, that being said my German is very poor at the moment, but its something that I am wanting to learn. ( its still pretty poor after being here a year)

I have grown up with cats and dogs as family pets and house sat for some beauties when their owners were on vacation, Boston Terriers, Huskies, Corgis, Staffordshire bulldogs, Westies and Mutts.

Price is open to discussion all depending on what your pet needs & what you want for your pet.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

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