
8003 Zürich

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali
  • Cane
  • Gatto
  • Piccoli mammiferi

Descrizione personale


My name is Magali I'm 24 and I'm doing my masters degree at the university of Zurich. I've been having a cat ever since I was born but it died 2 years ago. As my current living situation doesn't really allow me to have a pet, but I love to spend time and take care of animals (I was also frequently walking dogs when I was younger) I'm looking for a sitter job. It's really not about the money but to take care of animals and improve their lives.


Meine Name ist Magali, ich bin 24 und ich mache gerade meinen Master an der Universität Zürich. Da ich den Umgang mit Tieren sehr schätze und auch immer Haustiere besass, bzw. auf welche aufgepasst, würde ich gerne einen Petsitter-Job übernehmen. Dabei geht es mir weniger ums Geld, als ums Kümmern um die Tiere.

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