Hier ist unser Hund Yuma. Ich suche jemanden, der mir hilft meinen Hund in 7513 Silvaplana zu betreuen. Diese Arbeit nimmt 4 Stunden in Anspruch. Sie soll jeweils nach Absprache erledigt werden. Falls Sie interessiert sind, freue ich mich, von Ihnen …
Unser Hund Georgie (Basset Artesien Notmandie. 8 Jahre) freut sich über einen langen Spaziergang vormittags und einen kürzeren Gang am Nachmittag. Hilfe wird vom 16.02.- 20.2.25 benötigt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, falls Sie interessiert sind. Wir …
I am looking for somebody who can support with our dog called Quiko. The job is to be done in 7514 Sils Maria. Help is needed for 4 hours on 23.12.2024. Are you a real dog-lover? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Dear petsitters, I need somebody to look after Basil, our dog. We live in 7513 Silvaplana. Do you have experience with dog care? We will be very happy to hear from you.
I need a loving and reliable person who can look after my dog Santo in 7513 Silvaplana. Do you have experience with dog care? We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. Start of work: as soon as possible. In the table below you…
Soffre di ansia da separazione , starà quasi sempre con noi per fare passeggiate , ma se dovessimo andare a cena o pranzo d non possiamo portarlo con noi
Hy, i’m looking for somebody that is gonna take care of my dog while I’m at work. 1h.
7513 Silvaplana ChienYago is 9 years old and although he is a hunting dog, he has not been trained for that. Because of his breed, he loves and needs to walk, he likes to sniff around and play. He weighs 14kg and is a very strong dog, therefore when waking him on the lea…
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