J’ai travaillé 3 ans dans le domaine des chevaux et des chiens j’ai une expérience solide dans le domaine des soins et de la garde de votre petit ou grand Loulou ! Je suis actuellement sans activité…
Bonjour, je m'appelle Marcelo , j'aime beaucoup les animaux c'est pour ça que toute ma vie j'avais des animaux , j'aime beaucoup les chiens J'aime dresser les chiens, j'aime me promener et les faire j…
Bonjour, hallo! Je suis étudiant en Sekundarschule à Meggen et j'adore les animaux. Ich bin Schüler in Meggen und ich liebe die Tiere. Je vous propose mes services de pets sitter, à Meggen. Gerne…
Hello, I’m Tina. I love to stay with dogs and cats. During my free time, I am always helping my friend to take care of their pets. I will do my best to take care of your furkids, letting them feel fre…
I am a very pet lover. Especially cat lover. Since I was a child I had two cats, four rats. I always loved to take care about animals, to give love and help. As my cat is far away from me and since I …
My name is Nevena, I’m 31 years old. I’m a personal trainer and big animal lover. I love animals in general but especially dogs. I deeply believe that they are our most loyal friends, not only that, …
Hallo. Ich bin ein großer Hundeliebhaber. Mein ganzes Leben lang hatte ich mindestens einen Hund um mich herum. Ich habe mein Bestes getan, um mich mit meinen Hunden anzufreunden, und es ist mir gelun…
Hallo Besitzer (oder eher Eltern), ich bin Leandro aus Luzern und habe von klein auf Haustiere gehabt und geliebt. Dazu gehörten Meerschweinchen, Chinchillas, Katzen und alle mögliche Wasserbewohne…
I have had a dog since I was a child, and my love for animals has not stopped over the years. As a child, I had a rabbit and a parrot as pets. I've never done this job, but I've often taken my frien…
I am Maria, a animal lover since my childhood! I have experience in owning pets like cats, dogs and guinea pigs and I always look forward to taking care of them with the most care and love. I do not …
I don't have work experience in this area, but I've always had pets since I was a child (dogs, cats, fish, birds). This experience, combined with the love I have for them, is undoubtedly an asset Unfo…
Since my childhood, I have had animals such as cats, dogs, hamsters, chinchillas, rabbits, and various birds in my home. I have experienced all stages, from feeding newborns and births to the final da…
Aufgewachsen mit lieben Haustieren: Chinchillas, Degus, Hunden, Katzen, Kaninchen, Enten, Zwerghühnern, 1 Gans, Schildkröten, Meerschweinchen, Wellensittichen, Fischen, hab ich was vergessen? :-)smile…
My name is Camila and my friends call me the princess of the forest because I really love animals and they love me too. I have the ability to bond with animals very easily and I really enjoy our time …
My name is Xhejni, I am a student at the University of Lucerne. I am very careful with pets and I have had a dog since a little child. I have experience with young and adult dogs.
Seit ich 7 Jahre alt bin hatte meine Familie Hunde. Unsere erste Hundedame, ein Goldenretriver wurde stolze 16 Jahre alt. Nun haben wir wieder einen kleinen, jungen Chihuahua, seit November 2020. Da …
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