
4058 Basel

Qualifiche e mobilità

Posso prendermi cura dei seguenti animali

Descrizione personale

Hi all! My name is Laura, I’m 26 and I live in Basel. I'm a classical musician and I'm currently studying my master here.

From a very young age I have loved animals and especially dogs. That's why I was a volunteer in a refugee for 4 years. As in my house we cannot have animals because we don't have enough space, I have always been willing to take care of my friends' dogs. I was going for walks with two dogs in Spain and I found it such an amazing job, that is why I would like to do it again.

I am a responsible person. I really like to smile and I enjoy a lot long walks. For me it is really important to be serious and to plan things.

I would be very happy to be able to take care of dogs again!:)

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